This article was originally published on TaKungPau on 23 November 2016. Original source. 鮑起靜與黃浩然認識已久,但今次才首次合作。 大公報記者 吳珊珊攝 大公網11月22日訊(記者...
《大手牵小手》惹哭全场观众 影后首映礼表白黄浩然?!
This article was originally published on CARI on 23 November 2016. Original source. 《大手牵小手》电影的首映礼于星期二(22日)晚在香港尖沙咀隆重进行,出席首映礼的演员阵容包括了领衔主演的鲍...
《大手牽小手》 鮑起靜 黃浩然 催淚母子情
This article was originally published on Sunday Kiss on 21 November 2016. Original source. 由鮑起靜、黃浩然主演,導演李勇昌作品 《大手牽小手》...
【 MOVIE6 新聞 】首演催淚戲 《 大手牽小手 》 向鮑姐偷師 王菀之寫歌細味動人情節
This article was originally published on Movie6 on 18 November 2016. Original source. 擅演喜劇的歌星王菀之(Ivana),最近跟鮑起靜(鮑姐)與黃浩然合作,拍攝既溫情又催淚的小品電影《...
This article was originally published on New Monday on 16 November 2016. Original source. 由鮑姐鮑起靜牽頭,與黃浩然、王菀之合力炮製出一部感動人心、笑中帶淚之溫馨親情電影《大手牽小手》...
UOB KayHian Retail Market Monitor - mm2 Asia - 1HFY17 Results in Line with Expectations
This report was originally published by UOB KayHian on 16 November 2016. Read the full report here. #Inthenews #2016 #2016Inthenews
DBS Group Research - mm2 Asia - Growth Intact
This report was originally published by DBS Group Research on 15 November 2016. Read the full report here. #Inthenews #2016 #2016Inthenews
CIMB Research - mm2 Asia - Potentially the Next Box Office Hit
This report was originally published by CIMB Research on 15 November 2016. Read the full report here. #Inthenews #2016 #2016Inthenews
mm2 Asia's HY2017 Net Profit Rose 97% to S$8.9 Million
MM2 ASIA’S HY2017 NET PROFIT ROSE 97% TO S$8.9 MILLION 1. Group revenue increased by 175.6% to S$35 million, with core business revenue...
DBS Group Research - mm2 Asia - Building Recurring Income
This report was originally published by DBS Group Research on 9 November 2016. Read the full report here. #Inthenews #2016 #2016Inthenews